Sitemap - 2023 - Other Duties (as assigned)

Mid-Holiday Miscellany

“Who’s donating all this money?” (updated)

Substackers Against Nazis

The Humanities

Re: Your Sweeping Book Ban Proposal

Can I Interest You in Some More Troubling Education Data?

The Myth of Snugglepuss

State Report Cards

Attorney Defends SC's Proposed Book Ban Regulations

The SC Board of Education’s Draft Book Censorship Regulations

Politics and Language

SC Superintendent of Education Ellen Weaver Addresses School Librarians

Teacher Nightmare

Spooky Season

Letter to the SC State Board of Education

Yet Another Report Tells Us What Teachers Have Been Saying for Decades

Other Duties as Assigned (Part IV)

Music in the Classroom

Banned Book #4: Between the World and Me

The War on Librarians

Back to School

Happy Labor Day

Banned Book #3: WE, by Yevgeny Zamyatin

What is a "Classical Education"?

Chris Rufo Demonstrates the Danger of Politicized Education Appointments

On School and Trauma

So Good a [Lost] Cause (Part 2)

So Good a [Lost] Cause (Part 1)

Who Are You Today? (short fiction)

If Genius Analyzed the Virtual Learning Ad Haunting My Algorithm

Moms for What?

"Lovers of Ease and Worshipers of Property"

I Watched the Moms for Liberty Conference...

Taking Sides in the Joyful War

Other People's Kids

On SC for Ed's Indefinite Pause

Are teachers too stupid to understand education policy? (No, we are not.)

On “Co-Parenting with the Government”

My Stupid Battle with ChatGPT

The Mind Virus Mutates!

The Revenge of Testing Season

Another Slap in the Face

Literacy Tests

“Freedom Caucus” Types Abandon Pretense

ALL Students Deserve a "Positive Learning Environment"

A Short(ish) Post to Check In

SC Freedom Caucus Chair Adam Morgan Visited My Class to Discuss Anti-"CRT" Bills (Video)

The Gaslighting of Teachers Continues

Is It Teaching, or Is It Long COVID?

Voucher Proponents Across the Country are Winning. What Are the Stakes?

Against Censorship

“It happened whether it offends you or not.”

Judging the Book