Who am I (today)?
I’m from Columbia, SC. I’m a former teacher, writer, researcher, musician, and volunteer public education advocate. I started this newsletter mainly because I would encounter questions or arguments online that called for a more careful and well-researched response than an offhand reply on social media. I have continued because I find it very rewarding and a great outlet.
But it’s also sometimes a lot of work. Most posts involve 1-2 weeks of research, writing, editing, and revision. Many involve access to paywalled news sources that paid subscriptions and donations help me to continue. Others involve attending public hearings or conducting interviews, things I couldn’t have done while I was teaching full-time.
If you can support this work by sharing, that goes a long way! If you can afford a paid subscription, that obviously helps even more.
Some new posts will continue to be entirely free, and if you have not already tried a free trial subscription, you can access paid posts, that way, too. All posts will continue to include a significant preview, so that free subscribers can access information. For the archive (pieces nine months old or older), only paid subscribers will have full access.
If you can’t afford a subscription but have found the newsletter helpful, email me and I’ll be happy to comp you a paid subscription for a few months so that you can access the full archive and all new posts.
If you’re not ready to subscribe yet, you can also support this work with a one-time donation or by buying some music.